P.persicaria SN
P.persicaria SN

Polygala elongata JMG

Polygala elongata JMG

Polygala elongata JMG

Polygala elongata JMG

Polygala elongata JMG
P.arvensis VW
P.arvensis VW
P.arvensis VW
P.arvensis PA
P.arvensis PA
P.persicarifolia PK

P.persicarifolia Dr Phadke
P.persicarifolia Dr Phadke
Milkwort family
Polygala(Latin) means much milk. Cattle feeding on these plants are supposed to give more milk.
There are 17 genera and 900-1000 species around the world. 50 %of the plants are in genus Polygala.
Vegetative characters:
It is a small cosmopolitan family of herbaceous plants, shrubs and small trees. Leaves are alternate, always simple, usually without stipules. Polygalas have Irregular flowers and superficially resembling Fabaceae.
Inflorescence and flowers:
Flowers are generally in spikes or racemes, each flower subtended by a bract and two bracteoles.
Sepals are 5 and unequal, two side sepals are often larger and coloured like petals. Uppermost sepal is keeled(Ridged in a way that resembles two connected petals or sepals. There are three petals united at base and the lower one boat shaped or saucer shaped -keel with a fringed crest; enclosing 8 stamens and a pistil style. Stamens are often fused by their filaments into a split sheath. Ovary of two fused carpels, 2 chambered, each chamber one seeded;
Fruits and the seeds:
Fruit is a capsule.
Examples: From Maharashtra
1. Leaves amplexicaul; flowers in spike; stamens 4-5; capsule toothed … Salomonia
1. Leaves not as above; flowers in racemes; stamens 8 capsule entire. … Polygala
2.Shrubs … P.arillata
3. Flowers Pink …P. bulbothrix
… P.irregularis
… P.persicarifolia
3.Flowers yellow
…P. furcata
… P.erioptera
… P.elongata
… P arvensis.
… P. Linarifolia